• ,,Do we still have universal values? Yes, we do, but we should not take them for granted.”

    Kofi Annan, former UN General Secretary – Weltethos speech 2003
  • The world will only become peaceful and the peace will be of longer duration when human rights are applied comprehensively and universal 
    Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and human rights activist – Weltethos speech 2005
  • Our earth home is under serious threat and we need to be persuaded that our destiny is indeed in our hands.

    Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and human rights activist – Weltethos speech 2009
  • No, the concept of the global ethic has by no means become obsolete; on the contrary, it is today, from a historical perspective, more urgent than ever.

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal President of Germany – Weltethos speech 2019
  • Every day brings further evidence of the unacceptable divide in our world.
    Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for human rights – Weltethos speech 2002
  • We mourn the death of the founder of the Global Ethic Project
    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Küng.
    He fell asleep peacefully at his home in Tübingen on April 6 at the age of 93. Would you like to express your grief? Then you have the opportunity to do so in the digital book of condolence.

  • ,,Do we still have universal values? Yes, we do, but we should not take them for granted.”

    Kofi Annan, former UN General Secretary – Weltethos speech 2003
  • The world will only become peaceful and the peace will be of longer duration when human rights are applied comprehensively and universal 
    Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and human rights activist – Weltethos speech 2005
  • Our earth home is under serious threat and we need to be persuaded that our destiny is indeed in our hands.

    Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and human rights activist – Weltethos speech 2009
  • No, the concept of the global ethic has by no means become obsolete; on the contrary, it is today, from a historical perspective, more urgent than ever.

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal President of Germany – Weltethos speech 2019
  • Every day brings further evidence of the unacceptable divide in our world.
    Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for human rights – Weltethos speech 2002







The world is in turmoil. Now is the time to set a sign against division and for a collaboration in diversity. The pressing global challenges we face – such as climate protection, wars or pandemics – can only be solved together. 

This is why Hans Küng launched the Weltethos project 30 years ago. It focuses on simple values that are already shared worldwide in order to enable peaceful community and cohabitation on our planet. We are certain that the Weltethos project has never been more important than today. Join us now and set a sign against social division. 


I want to set a sign

against division & for a cooperation in diversity. 

Submit your self-declaration now!

The world is in turmoil – now is the time to set a sign against division and for a collaboration in diversity. 

 Every day we experience how people are played off against each other. Segregation is spreading worldwide. But the pressing challenges we face – such as climate protection, the corona pandemic or discrimination – can only be solved together. 

 This is why Hans Küng launched the Weltethos project 30 years ago. It focuses on simple values that are already shared worldwide in order to enable peaceful community and cohabitation on our planet. We are certain that the Global Ethic Project has never been more important than today. Become part of the project now and set a sign with us against social division.


I want to set a sign

against division & for a cooperation in diversity.

Submit your self-declaration until

December 4th 2020

The universal values non-violence, justice, truthfulness, equality and ecological responsibility are important to me. With my signature I set a sign for community and against division. 

Read the full self-declaration here 


864 signatures = 9% of goal

people already set asign against division.




  • Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University

    „We are a world society, so we better have world ethics. And world ethic means finding the points of common agreement that extend across the hundreds and the thousands ethnicities in the world.“

  • Annette Widmann-Mauz Staatsministerin für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration, MdB

    „Wir verdanken unsere deutsche Einheit denjenigen, die sich vor 30 Jahren für Freiheit, Demokratie und Gemeinschaft eingesetzt haben. Auch wir können heute unseren Beitrag für ein friedliches Miteinander leisten.“

  • LTT – Landestheater Tübingen

    „Wir sind als Kulturbetrieb von den Coronamaßnahmen auch stark betroffen. Wir demonstrieren trotzdem nicht mit Nazis.“

  • Felix Müller, Fotograf und Influencer

    „Um unsere Zukunft lebenswert zu gestalten, reicht es nicht, sich nur in seiner eigenen Bubble zu bewegen. Wichtig ist es, im Alltag – auf Social Media sowie der analogen Welt – immer wieder den Dialog mit Anderen zu suchen.“

You already signed? 


#projekt​ weltethos

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